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How to Create an SEO Strategy for 2020
SEO Strategy 2020

It’s almost the end of January, have you come up with your SEO strategy for 2020 yet? SEO is a highly competitive market and to stay ahead, you must know the latest trends in the SEO world. Because, if you do not, you won’t be able to make an informed decision while building a digital marketing strategy.


Here in this post, a detailed picture is presented about the latest trends of the SEO that will help you to make a remarkable SEO Strategy for 2020.


Study the latest change: If your rank somehow dropped in 2019, it is time you make use of analytics tools and see what the reason was. Google pushes updates to its search engine algorithm very frequently. Find out which algorithm hit you hard and build a necessary strategy so it doesn’t affect you again. If you do not know how to use analytics tools, contact a professional SEO service provider.


Voice search: Voice search drastically improves the user experience. And according to studies, by the end of 2020, 30% to 50% of all searches will be done through voice. Hence, needless to mention the importance of voice search optimization to build an effective SEO Strategy. Voice search already playing a significant role to boost brand awareness, online purchase, and revenue. So, do not overlook voice optimization while building your SEO Strategy for 2020.


Optimize campaign for mobile: Smartphone has been playing a crucial role in the digital marketing or SEO industry for quite a long time now. And the way we see it, the trend will remain the same. The reason is, the smartphone market is growing at a tremendous speed. It has been estimated that the worldwide smartphone user will exceed 4.7 billion by 2020! The smartphone is already being used to consume the digital medium more than PCs. So, you must prioritize and validate the content you are marketing if they are smartphone-friendly or not.


Every experienced SEO service company knows that building a perfect SEO strategy takes time. So, the sooner you begin the optimization the better off you will be. Build a plan and adhere to that. Analyse the data to make necessary changes & improve your strategy to increase organic traffic and sales. And in case you get lost, you can always count on the best Digital marketing company in Delhi, Unicode Solutions.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
3 reasons why business use custom CRM software

Do you have a business or are you planning to have one? Then you need to know how to manage your clients first. Maybe, managing your clients is easy when you have limited it, but, the question arises when you have plenty. Having a good relationship with your client is very important to achieve constant growth, simultaneously, it is even tough one and this is why the CRM system is in the market since the early 1970s.


Why use custom CRM software?

More than 20 Custom software development company are available in the market. They all are focused on a central point, like – Conversation focused CRM software, Lead and Deal focused CRM software, Contact focused CRM software, Marketing focused CRM software. Choosing the right CRM is like an arduous journey. You might end up with what you don’t even need. Or, you force your business to augment in the wrong way just to match what’s prescribed in their CRM systems.


So, in a nutshell, you need a CRM software that is customized for your business uniquely. Here are the top three reasons why –


Improve client satisfaction

Your ultimate goal is to satisfy your clients. But, if you and your every competitor is using the same CRM software then how you have become the unique one? By using custom CRM your sales pipeline become more efficient and conduct all client information in an identical systematic way.


Let’s have an example, you are a client, and you called to get a service, but, your service provider is taking too much time to gather information and after some time he is providing the same information as the other providers gave you. How would you feel? Obviously, it’s not a nice feeling. If you have a CRM software that is not tailored for your business, then this scenario your clients may find often.


Custom data model

The data model describes your business data structure, store them and access them. Most CRM software uses a multi-tenant database. This means all of the vendors and clients use the same CRM database, including your competitor. Plus, you can’t build new data tables, even you can’t access a more parent-child relationship of each data table. In that case, you anyhow manage with whatever you have. Thus, you create complexity for your business.


Best analytics

You need a cleanly designed portfolio when the question comes to measuring your success. Isn’t it? Then why rushing towards flashy graphics and dashboards? Why not have customized reports on the transactional data that is most important for you. You will find yourself more manageable and you’re going to be able to make better decisions when you measure your business like the way you run your business.


The bottom line

If you have never used a CRM system then you must try at least for a few days, and then you can plan for the future with custom CRMs. As you can see, there is a myriad of benefits of using custom CRM that will improve your business. And to make most out of it, get in touch with us, we are one of the best Custom CRM software development company.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
How to Manage Your Entire Marketing Budget

Marketing is essential for business success. However, it does come with the title “expensive”. Yes, sometimes it can be expensive to run Ads or to hire an online influencer. But, if you know your ways, and if you are a master marketing budget planner, you can pull a lot through a minimum resource. But, without having enough experience in digital marketing, no one can be a pro, right? Well, you are true until now! Because today we will give you a cheat sheet to prepare a robust marketing budget! So, without wasting any time, let’s begin!


  • First, know where you are going. An experienced digital marketing agency well plan for the future and you should follow this as well. Outline your plan and define every single thing and keep a backup plan. Set numeric goals for each marketing aspect. How much revenue you are expecting? How many leads do you need? What is the sales channel you are going to target? Have this question with definitive answers.


  • If you are a newcomer in the market and want market dominance, you have to spend a bit more than others. A 12 – 20% overall gross revenue must go to your digital marketing effort. If it’s too much, you have to spend at least 10%. Remember, you have to spend money to earn money. For more well-known businesses, a 5 to 8 % budget will be enough to draw good leads.


  • There are plenty of different online marketing channel and social media channels are available out there. Some of them work really well, some of them are not even an industry standard. The best way to select the most profitable one is by doing extensive studies. Your cost of digital marketing will also differ according to your preference. The most used online marketing channels is Google Ads and Facebook Ads.


  • After a certain point, take a break and gather every bit of data. Analyse-it and understand how they are performing. Use this information and divert your resources towards the river where the current is high! And revisit again regularly.


Making a proper budget is always a tough job filled with uncertainty. If you have tried every possible thing to find out the best plan and you believe it’s too much of a work, you can always contact the best digital marketing company in Delhi, who help businesses to take their desired online place fast and without breaking any bank!

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
