
Agility combined with design-­led engineering, cloud and analytics driven marketing results in great products, faster

AngularJs- A Perfect Framework for Responsive Web App Development
website application development company in Delhi

AngularJS is a front-end JavaScript framework developed and maintained by the search giant Google and today it is now the sweetheart of the developer community. The reason behind this is that the benefits and amazing features that it brings to web application development. AngularJS is a practical choice outside the area of Unicode Solutions(Best website development company). Here are some super impressive reasons why one must adopt to AngularJS if you are interested in responsive web application development.

Better Programming Practices: AngularJs comes with rich and simple to use features which make it easy to develop the website by composing the least codes. Some of the features include directives that support reusable components and the REST API connection to servers, which helps to reduce bandwidth and enables HTTP requests, for efficient data handling process.

Easy to collaborate: Teamwork is the foundation of every successful project. With AngularJS, users can collaborate with the entire team efficiently, which ensure a smooth development process. With an ability to share components within the team, the feature called Dependency Injection, associated with the AngularJS web application development process has made the developer community happy by making collaboration extremely easy.

Real-time testing: A given application must be flexible enough to optimize performance & also address new features, bugs if any. The reason AngularJS is being upheld by many web app development services are many, but maybe the most comprehensive one is, it offers real-time testing during the development process. The AngularJS comes with inbuilt modules to facilitate a comprehensive for every module you develop.

Easy integration: AngularJS can collaborate with other existing applications easily to deliver superior Responsive Web App Development experience. Features like dependency injection have made it quite easy for developers to integrate the modules already developed with AngularJS. There are enormous numbers of plugins available in the market that supplements AngularJS to build brand new functionality within the projects itself.

Easy to learn: A web developer can learn and use it quite easily and quickly. This helps to reduce the overall development schedule and further decrease the cost for responsive Web App Development. People who are familiar with JQuery or Backbone.js or JavaScript Frameworks, can quickly learn AngularJS and start to apply to their respective work.

Security: Online security is a major concern today. However, AngularJS can help to reduce any security flaws, this is because, AngularJS never process any data, instead it presents it. Moreover, it uses the HTTPS interface to communicate with the servers which maximize data security. To enable optimum security, you don’t have to go through a tedious process, just follow the in-build security measure, and the application will be safe from malicious attacks.

Wrapping up

The above reasons are not completed, there are several other benefits of AngularJs which you can find here. AngularJs is being embraced by a web app development company and soon on the verge to become even more popular in no time.

At the conclusion, it is not wrong to say that AngularJs offers win-win benefits with efficient features and productive methods. If you are planning to build a web application that is secure, fast and elegant AngularJs is the only platform that can offer you those and more. Want to know more about AngularJs? Get in touch with Unicode Solutions, one of the best web app development service company in Delhi serving to fulfil your every digital need.


Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
5 reasons to Outsource AdWords and Facebook services from India

Are you looking for a cost-efficient method to boost your digital marketing footprint? There are many ways to do so, however, if you are truly looking for exceptional service at the lowest cost, you may consider talking to a PPC management company based in India. Now the question might occur is, why India? Bellow finds the answer:

Comprehensive knowledge: Most of the Millenials in India pursue the IT background and thus you can find a great number of talents there without much effort. Not only that, in accordance to your Facebook ads services or digital marketing, you will need to modify your already existing online places such as website, mobile application and if you are hiring a PPC service provider from India, most of the time they can offer you the related services under a single roof.This is essential for the success of your marketing campaign because the digital marketing team can talk to the web developer, designer or mobile app developer to bring necessary changes to maximize the effect of the campaign. You don’t have to waste time to hire a new group of people, instead, you can focus on your core business value. If you don’t have a website, you can click website development  to know why you need a website NOW!

Global recognition:  When do you think of India what the first things appear in your mind besides spicy food and the Taj Mahal? Well, it is, of course, the vast IT services. Today, India is one of the leaders in offering various IT services throughout the globe. People call China the manufacturer of the world and if you call India the IT hub of the world, you are not wrong!

Cost advantage: Cost is obvious for choosing a PPC management company in India. When you hire locally, you have to spend a lot on an employee as well as you have to build an entire infrastructure to support your marketing cause. However, if you outsource your Facebook ads service to India, besides the currency advantage, you don’t have to spend on employee overhead cost and you don’t have to set up a new infrastructure in order to run your campaign efficiently.

No miscommunication: India recognized English as the official language and most of the population can speak and write quite well. This is necessary for building effective communication. If your hired PPC management company is unable to understand what you need, then you are wasting money on your Google ad campaign or Facebook ads services. Fortunately, if you hire an Indian digital marketing service provider you won’t have to worry about the language barrier.

Best service: Considering there are tremendous numbers of PPC management companies available to pick from. You can always get great service at an amazing cost. Businesses like Unicode Solutions offer strategically sound and very well-focused PPC, Facebook ads services campaigns based on detailed market research, in-depth keyword analysis to offer the results you crave for.

If you have any doubts or queries about PPC outsourcing you can get in touch with Us. We are Unicode Solutions, one of the best PPC service companies based in Delhi, offering our exceptional digital marketing service throughout the world. Contact us for more information.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
5 ways enterprise Mobile Apps can fuel business growth

According to studies, an average user spends almost 2 hours scrolling through the smartphone each day. Today, mobile app accounts for more than 80% of mobile media consumption time while only around 11 percent time consumed browsing through the website. The mobile app offers a tremendous number of opportunities for businesses as they can take advantage of an ever-increasing smartphone user base. Every organization is hiring a mobile application development services company in Delhi to develop feature-rich and visually appealing business applications. Below is the reason you must fuel your organization’s growth with the assistance of a mobile application.

Improve Brand Recognition: A mobile application build by professional app developers can act as a natural extension of your organization. The feature-rich and elegantly designed mobile app can produce an impressive brand image for your business. It enables you to promote your brand efficiently while bringing success as well as online sales for your service and products.

Offer Higher ROI: Compared to the website, mobile applications development can draw higher ROI. It is estimated that mobile website draws about a 39% return on investment, a mobile application, on the other hand, generates more than 60% ROI! Not only ROI, for many organizations, but the mobile application also paves brand new paths to boost revenue generation. Apps that are built solely for revenue generation like eCommerce apps, hotel booking apps, ticket reservation apps, etc.have a much higher ROI.

Enhanced client engagement and customer loyalty: With your own business app, you can build deeper levels of engagement with your clients in an authentic way and keep them engaged in real-time through push notifications, news, events, reminders and more. Customers can utilize the same application when they are in distress, they can convey their concerns, query, issue, and feedback without leaving their comfort zone at any given time. The two-way connection which can be established with the help of mobile apps helps in strengthening customer loyalty and retaining clients.

Easy payment: One of the most significant benefits given by mobile apps for businesses is facilitating mobile payments. The mobile apps enable making payments through internet banking, credit/debit cards and digital wallets a seamless experience. Within minutes the payment is credited to the business. The ease of making payments boosts revenues for the business. A hassle-free payment method inspires customers to make more purchases.

Acting As Strong A Promotion Tool: Every SignUp helps you to collect crucial customer data that help to serve your customers in a more personalized way. Be it the client’s age, gender, choices, last searches or even real-time location, mobile applications accumulate a lot of precious information to offer a personalized experience to the customers. It further helps businesses to recognize the entire customer journey. By sending tailored marketing notifications like vouchers, discount coupons, limited time offer and more, a business can ensure a successful transaction.

A well developed mobile application can set a business on an exponential growth trajectory. Consumers are spending more and more time on smartphones; that’s why having a mobile application that stays fixed on their screens is crucial for any business. These apps not only raise business productivity, efficiency, and user-experience but also presents a competitive edge for businesses.

If you are finally convinced regarding developing a mobile app, then without wasting any time, you must contact a professional company that can build an intuitive Android and IOS App for your business. Contact Unicode Solutions to get an estimate, we are one of the best mobile application development companies in Delhi serving towards fulfilling your every digital need.


Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
